Jaya Prithvi Bahadur Singh Among many personalities who have strived hard for the betterment of their society and the country. Jaya Prithvi Bahadur Singh is one of the personalities of the country. He is the person who is remembered and respected for his work. He is the person who sacrificed his kingdom, luxury and comfort life for the sake of the people. Early life: Jaya Prithvi Bahadur Singh was born in the royal family of Bajhang district in 1934 B.S. He was the eldest son in his family. His father was King Bikram Bahadur Singh and mother was Queen Rudra Kumari Singh. He was also the fifty-fifth prince of Bajhang. The Ranas were his maternal uncles. Jay Prithvi Bahadur Singh was profoundly influenced by his father's religious activities. He used to believe in simple living from childhood. He married Rani Khageshwari Lakshmi Devi, the daughter of Chandra Shumsher. Education: Jaya Prithvi Bahadur Singh started his early education at the age of eight in the royal pa...
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