Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industries:Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industries:को लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

NCC organized the first National Conference on Industry and Commerce in the year 1965. It paved the way for the formation of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI). It is an umbrella organization of the Nepalese private sector. It was established in 1965 with the aim of promoting business and industry while protecting the rights and interests of business and industrial communities. The vision of FNCCI is - 'Leading the Nation's Economic Progress.'
Formation of FNCCI:
The FNCCI is formed by its members. It has four types of members- District and Municipality level Chambers, Commodity and Sectoral Associations, Leading Public and Private Sector Undertakings and Bi-national Chamber.
Organization of FNCCI:
The highest policy-making body of the FNCCI is its General Assembly which generally meets on an annual basis. The activities and functions of the FNCCI are planned and managed by the Executive Committee consisting 74 members including President and 5 nominated members who have a tenure of 3 years. Immediate Past President is the ex-officio member of this Committee. The Executive Committee elects Vice-Presidents and constitutes the Councils, various Committees, and Forums. It also appoints Director General who heads the FNCCI Secretariat. The Office Bearers and Chairpersons of the Committee form the Standing Committee, which takes care of the urgent matters on behalf of the Executive Committee.
There are three councils such as District or Municipality Council, Commodity Council and Employers' council within FNCCI looking after the specific interests of the various segments of its member. The Employers' Council, a permanent organ of the FNCCI, acts as the national organization of Employers.
The Membership Committee scrutinizes the applications for membership and submits a recommendation to the Executive Committee for the decision to grant membership of FNCCI.
Committees, Forums, and Councils:
The Executive Committee forms various Committees, Forums, and Council which generally focus on the sectorial; and other specialized activities. The FNCCI has at present 25 sectoral and bi-lateral Forums and Councils. It includes Political Coordination Forum, Industry, and Commerce Forum, Nepal-China Non-governmental Forum and so on. Some of the examples of Committees are the bank, finance, insurance, cottage and small industry, custom, and excise, fair and exhibition committees etc.

The FNCCI Secretariat:
For the function of the FNCCI or effective day-to-day operation of the FNCCI, there is a professional Secretariat which is appointed by the Executive Committee. It has a business library, training unit, HRD, database computer unit, display hall and conference or meeting halls besides office bearers and administrative wings supported by professional and support staff.
  • It plays a catalytic role in the business and industrial development and establishes sound industrial relations in the country.
  • To reinforces business community's commitment to the society.
  • To provide advisory services to government and lobbies.
  • To foster cooperation with related national and foreign organizations.
  • To provide up to date information services to business and government and the community at large.
  • To create awareness and support for business and industry efforts on issues affecting business.

Khanal, Soma Raj, Surendra Thapa Aslami and Sitaram Dhakal.Business Studies.Kathmandu: Taleju Prakashan, 2067.
Pant, Prem Raj, Business Studies.Kathmandu: Buddha Academic Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2010.


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